Table of Contents


1. Scientific Theories and Laws

2. The First Decade (1936-1946)

3. Relativity

4. The Second Decade (1946-1956)

5. Quantum Mechanics

6. The Third Decade (1956-1966)

7. The Big Bang

8. The Fourth Decade (1966-1976)

9. The Non-Bang

10. The Fifth Decade (1976-1986)

11. The Never-Bang

12. The Sixth Decade (1986-1996)

13. Evolution

14. The Seventh Decade (1996-2006)

15. The Theory of More than Everything

16. The Eighth Decade (2006-2016)

17. Now What?

18. The Ninth Decade (2016-2026)

Appendix A Paintings

Appendix B TTOMTE and a Steady State Universe

Appendix C Musical Compositions


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3) We must have more than one visual contact, and some contacts must be scheduled ahead of time (predictable). (We can repeat the experiment and get a chance to invite additional witnesses.)

4) The ET's must leave some physical evidence with the observers, perhaps an item surpassing our level of technology. (This allows for further experiments on the object which will, in turn, validate the original contact event.)

5) We must log all activity and have it notarized.

Stringent requirements like these put these experiments on solid, scientific footing and should almost guarantee failure. However, I spent the first forty-five years of my life trying to contact God and saints from the past before taking a break for about thirty years. So now it's only fair to spend the next forty-five years trying to contact higher beings of the future.

Assuming the UFO reports in the government files are accurate, I've come to some conclusions that might help in setting up this experiment:

1) The encounters usually take place at night.

2) They usually happen in out-of-the-way places.

3) Encounters are always unexpected (according to the files, but other sources suggest we might get some warning).

Over the years, I've had the inclination to go out at night to that hill about a quarter of a mile from the house where I had that crying incident about thirty years ago. I'd just stand out there and wonder about higher beings and how one might go about getting their attention. A flashlight on a foggy night? But that was all so long ago, and I'd lost interest. Total foolishness and a good waste of time, energy, and neurons firing. I have enough else to do. But then something happened:

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