1. Scientific Theories and Laws
2. The First Decade (1936-1946)
4. The Second Decade (1946-1956)
6. The Third Decade (1956-1966)
8. The Fourth Decade (1966-1976)
10. The Fifth Decade (1976-1986)
12. The Sixth Decade (1986-1996)
14. The Seventh Decade (1996-2006)
15. The Theory of More than Everything
16. The Eighth Decade (2006-2016)
18. The Ninth Decade (2016-2026)
Appendix A Paintings
Appendix B TTOMTE and a Steady State Universe
Appendix C Musical Compositions
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I started getting jobs as a model and appearing in a few newspapers and magazines. I mentioned before about getting into choruses because I could sing on pitch (not necessarily because of a good voice). Modeling was the same kind of thing. I didn't necessarily look that good but was excellent at not moving.
Our theater presented a one-act play called Peter all staged in an elevator. To begin with, a green alien named Apollo enters the elevator holding a rabbit, and the rabbit is God. As several of us get on the elevator, we're surprised to meet these two, but the rabbit calms us down by granting our greatest wishes. He makes us so happy we want to sing His praises. My character thinks a fitting hymn might be Here Comes Peter Cottontail.
I learned a couple of lessons in another flight to Roanoke, Virginia. The plane we used had reserve fuel-tanks, but many accident reports tell of pilots crashing when they run out of fuel in the main tanks with the reserve tanks full.
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