1. Scientific Theories and Laws
2. The First Decade (1936-1946)
4. The Second Decade (1946-1956)
6. The Third Decade (1956-1966)
8. The Fourth Decade (1966-1976)
10. The Fifth Decade (1976-1986)
12. The Sixth Decade (1986-1996)
14. The Seventh Decade (1996-2006)
15. The Theory of More than Everything
16. The Eighth Decade (2006-2016)
18. The Ninth Decade (2016-2026)
Appendix A Paintings
Appendix B Caps and Bunnies
Appendix C Musical Compositions
Appendix E A Googolplex Universe
Appendix F Acknowledgements
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Through the centuries, technology and religions have affected the Earth and each other, sometimes in a good way and sometimes not. Church fathers refused to accept the disturbing science Galileo and Darwin tried to introduce. But now, many religious folks have changed their views a bit, and their beliefs fit with the theories (mostly by rethinking what the Bible and Koran imply). Supposedly, religions specialize in "God" while science does not. That means The Theory Of More Than Everything will especially irritate theologians by intruding in their area. It can't be helped; universal evolution naturally drives towards a god and ends up in direct conflict with many beliefs. For example, within Judeo-Christian traditions, more than two billion people believe in one personal god, but TTOMTE says there may be many "gods" and not so personal or godlike. Are the differences as drastic as they sound?
In this chapter, we'll see how many of our old beliefs we can keep in spite of this theory. Where exactly do TTOMTE and faith meet?
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