1. Scientific Theories and Laws
2. The First Decade (1936-1946)
4. The Second Decade (1946-1956)
6. The Third Decade (1956-1966)
8. The Fourth Decade (1966-1976)
10. The Fifth Decade (1976-1986)
12. The Sixth Decade (1986-1996)
14. The Seventh Decade (1996-2006)
15. The Theory of More than Everything
16. The Eighth Decade (2006-2016)
18. The Ninth Decade (2016-2026)
Appendix A Paintings
Appendix B TTOMTE and a Steady State Universe
Appendix C Musical Compositions
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Look at each new generation of children, and see if you can detect more selfless behavior than you remember when you were that age. Are there some visible differences? When we were in high school, most of us didn't take time out from making money in the summer to help at a nursing home. Did we ever go to Mexico to help build shelters or repair neighborhoods wiped out by hurricanes? Can this be a trend? These tendencies to sacrifice are not so much because of DNA but because of the growing awareness of world problems gleaned from parents, the media, and internet. However, we shouldn't forget the God gene possibility.
Have we stopped progress? Caring for the sickly, the poor, and the weak has perhaps brought physical DNA evolution to a halt. The survival of the most suitable (fittest) doesn't operate if love and care can override the principle. Physical evolution depends on the sickly and the weak dying before they can have children.
Is spiritual evolution the wave of the future? Since the DNA code reflects spirituality, evolution can be at work in this area; mutants might arrive on the scene with higher spiritual values. If the culture admires those types of people, their DNA might spread. We have to say "might" because, many times, we've had people admired by many, but then others assassinate them. Still, the victims usually have offspring before they get killed.
What about a psychic evolution? I'm talking about psychic as in human abilities we don't yet understand. We already see a hint of certain powers being an advantage in evolution. For example, we apparently have the ability to cure diseases with our mind, if we consider the placebo evidence: If someone believes he is going to get better because of a pill (with nothing in it), he does so in many cases. Evolution certainly favors such a self-healing trait if we can learn to use it.
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